Semalam saya membuat kerja part-time macam biasa - repair PC. Setelah format dan install Windows, drivers, saya pun install pula antivirus AVG. Kemudian teringat pula nak dapatkan firefox di internet. Selepas setting internet streamyx, buka internet explorer untuk tanya pakcik google kat mana firefox. Walaupun memang tak berkenan langsung dengan internet explorer, tapi terpaksalah guna sekejap.
Antara penyebab yang saya tak suka sangat dengan Internet Explorer ini ialah:
1) IE adalah salah satu komponen Windows - maksudnya jika IE hang/crash, kadang-kadang PC pun boleh jadi crash juga..
2) Sikit-sikit suruh install ActiveX, bila dah install jadi senang sangat dapat spyware.
3) Dari dulu hingga sekarang, tidak habis-habis dengan serangan virus.
4) Banyak menggunakan RAM berbanding browser lain.
5) Banyak fungsi browser lain (firefox/opera/...) yang IE takde...
Source code tak open pada user, manalah tau ada spyware ke, tidak boleh digunakan pada open source (linux/freebsd/...), macam-macam lagilah...
Berbalik pada cerita semalam, semasa buka sahaja IE, tiba-tiba keluar virus alert dari AVG antivirus tiga kali! Kemudian PC OFF sendiri!! Pelik..
Kemudian saya cuba ON tanpa penyambungan internet, keluar error pula. Login pun tidak dapat dilakukan.
Format balik>>>buat semula macam mula-mula tadi..sama juga. Itu sahajalah kerja saya hingga tertidur di depan PC..huhu. Nak buka blog pun tak boleh..
Guna komputer lain, check masalah ni kat internet. saya jumpa artikel Associated Press seperti di bawah..emmm..patut laaa..
Microsoft issuing emergency fix for browser flaw
AP - Wednesday, December 17REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is taking the unusual step of issuing an emergency fix for a security hole in its Internet Explorer software that has exposed millions of users to having their computers taken over by hackers.
The "zero-day" vulnerability, which came to light last week, allows criminals to take over victims' machines simply by steering them to infected Web sites; users don't have to download anything for their computers to get infected, which makes the flaw in Internet Explorer's programming code so dangerous. Internet Explorer is the world's most widely used Web browser.
Microsoft said it plans to ship a security update, rated "critical," for the browser on Wednesday. People with the Windows Update feature activated on their computers will get the patch automatically.
Thousands of Web sites already have been compromised by criminals looking to exploit the flaw. The bad guys have loaded malicious code onto those sites that automatically infect visitors' machines if they're using Internet Explorer and haven't employed a complicated series of workarounds that Microsoft has suggested.
Microsoft said it has seen attacks targeting the flaw only in Internet Explorer 7, the most widely used version, but has cautioned that all other current editions of the browser are vulnerable.
Microsoft rarely issues security fixes for its software outside of its regular monthly updates. The company last did it in October, and a year and half before that.
Maklumat lain pula,
An anti-virus company is warning the public about a security hole in the Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser.
Officials at Trend Micro say a security hole in Explorer could allow hackers to take over your computer by tricking you into visiting tainted Web sites. Officials at Trend say as many as 10,000 sites have been compromised since last week.
Some security experts recommend you use another Internet browser until the problem has been fixed.
Microsoft says it is looking into the problem. The company has posted information on its Web site.
According to Microsoft, the virus affects "Windows Internet Explorer 7 on supported editions of Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, and Windows Server 2008."
The company also says Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 4, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, and Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 on all supported versions of Microsoft Windows are potentially vulnerable.
"At this time, we are aware only of attacks that attempt to use this vulnerability against Windows Internet Explorer 7. Our investigation of these attacks so far has verified that they are not successful against customers who have applied.
Saya pun tidak pasti lagi apakah nama virus ini, yang penting anda tahu mengenainya. Kesimpulannya, gunalah browser selain dari Internet Explorer ok.
Selamat beramal...:)
pian,nape sampai 2x format,boleh demam.da check x kt pendrive(software2) @ cd driver/installer(yg kita burn)mb dah kna infect dari pc induk.aku mg da lma x guna ie just untuk open sap portal(kerja) je coz ia (sap web portal)x bleh read firefox(compatibility issue).
baik jgn guna IE abis citer!
adoi.. memalukan je. company punye le besar tp browser sendiri x reti nk jg
haha,,siankau 2 kali knapa x scan guna Avira AntiVir Rescue System sblum msuk windows lg,,mcm boot cd lah nie...
e & fareez - hobi aku format tools tinggal kat opis..biasa guna hiren..tapi kalu virus baru camni, guna bootabe antivirus boleh detect ke? cd aku dulu pun burn bulan 5 kot..
papabear - memang tak suka guna, tapi nak cari firefox je..dah nak kena le tu..eheh
ubey - aku ada dengar seminar open source dulu..dia punya staff 8k orang jer..tapi open source satu dunia..takkan dapat tampung punyer hackers..tapi strategi pemasaran di bagi lemak supaya orang biasa guna tu yg buat dia kaya tu...ntah2 virus ni pun Ms yang cipta, pastu jual antivirus dan suruh org beli windows terbaru..siapa tahu..
betul 2 bro guna lah firefox @ opera gerenti beres..!!
guna flock lagi besh =)
an award waiting for you at
see award #2
tyco86 - yang penting jangan guna IE..browser open source lain pun ada gak yang kena hack, tapi takde la seteruk IE..sampai padam PC..
ghost_Mar - aku dah try flock dah.. memang best, tapi aku sayang add on firefox aku ler..
papabear - thanks bro, your award so meaningful to me..i will pass that award to who actively comments or contribute on my blog..
kat opis aku pulak ada satu virus kalo dia masuk PC dia akan serang window and hilangkan sume file kat PC bila format..
still virus ni masih blum dikenali nama dia..
dah 2-3 PC kat cni kena attack..
selalunya bila power-onn PC
dia just cakap 'one system file is missing'
tp kena hati2.. bila masuk CD re-install window.. dengan CD2 tu pun buleh dammed!!
skang kami masing2 backup files je la maner yang patut!!
dora - macam aku kena tu je..camne ko backup tu..guna external hdd atau bootable distro ke?
tu windows xp atau vista?
Kalau betul sama virus yg aku kena tu, repair file guna "system restore" di safe mode pun tak boleh..start guna cd windows, pastu repair pun tak boleh..kalau nak ghost, pc lain pun kena kan...kalau nak guna cd bootable antivirus, cuba check avira atau lain2, dia dah update virus tu atau tak..masuk safe mode dengan network pastu update windows dah try? tp kena windows ori ler..
last choice..jangan sambung network..backup dan install semula aje la aku rasa..tapi bila dah install tu, remove terus application IE, pastu install browser lain..install antivirus..baru sambung network utk update av secara safe mode
harap dapat membantu
pakai external hdd la..
tp member aku cakap kalo alat tu xde file window tak per.. so thumbdrive pun tak dak masalah rasenyer..
dia just serang windows..
termasuk file atau cd windows restore tu sendiri..
member aku try format & restore window.. dengan disc2 dia empty!!
tu la.. sebab tak pasti virus tu datang dr mana.. kami kena double beware!!
haku takut dari sistem kat opis..
kalo dari sistem mmg tak ley nak wat per..
network tak buleh cabut.. sebab sume maklumat dari sana..
aku tak pakai IE.. aku setia ngan mozilla..
harap2 tak pape la.. huhu!
sume yang kena pakai XP..
dora - aku pun tak pasti virus ni..cuba le masuk safe mode dengan network, pastu update kaspersky..scan dalam safemode
kaspersky ko mungkin dapat membantu
dah slow dah virus tu.. agaknyer p sambut tahun baru kot!! hik33! =P
assalamualikum....hai u alll...
u all guna anti-virus apa gak..???
aku syor kan jgn guna kapersky...
guna lah avira atau GVR...
bap klu kita guna kapersky mang kuat...
tapi klu virus masuk kat PC kite dia kadang2 padam file trus...
so jadi lah mcm abg tu file2 dia hilang...
aku guna avira selama nie Alhamdulillah sihat jak PC ku...hehehe
jgn lupa install "tuneup" n guna lah "Click Maintenance" kat tuneUp tu...
insya Allah PC laju,Xda masalah, Xda file hilang, virus payah nak masuk, n internet p0n also laju...
Insya Allah..
assalamualikum....hai u alll...
u all guna anti-virus apa gak..???
aku syor kan jgn guna kapersky...
guna lah avira atau GVR...
bap klu kita guna kapersky mang kuat...
tapi klu virus masuk kat PC kite dia kadang2 padam file trus...
so jadi lah mcm abg tu file2 dia hilang...
aku guna avira selama nie Alhamdulillah sihat jak PC ku...hehehe
jgn lupa install "tuneup" n guna lah "Click Maintenance" kat tuneUp tu...
insya Allah PC laju,Xda masalah, Xda file hilang, virus payah nak masuk, n internet p0n also laju...
Insya Allah..
dora - ko guna Vista pirate ke? cuba baca komen aku kat sini >
prof. neo - prof. neo geo ke? hehe.. thanks maklumat kaspersky tu..aku tak pernah try lagi..tapi AVG memang camtu..habis dia delete file aku kalu kena virus
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